PORT STEPHENS Amateur Radio Club

Would you like to become a

licensed amateur radio


If you would like to explore amateur radio as a hobby, you are welcome to come to the meetings and let people know of your interest. Before you can key your first transmission, you must obtain a licence from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). To receive a license you must pass an exam, but this is not nearly so hard as it might seem. There are three levels of licence, and the entry level is relatively easy. Port Stephens Amateur Radio Club has amongst its members those who are qualified to supervise exams at all three levels. So when you feel ready, you can sit for an exam at the club meeting site.
Next Meeting Please note we have changed to normally have meetings on the second Sunday of the month at the Tilligerry (Tanilba Bay) RSL & Sports Club. However, due to a clash with “Motorama” at this venue, the September meeting has been cancelled. The next meeting will be held on Sunday October 13, 2024 at 10:30 am. At this meeting, John VK2DLP will give a talk on S-parameters and Smith Charts, for those with a nanoVNA, or considering buying one.
Club repeater nets as follows: Tuesday nights 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm 70 cm Analogue Repeater For frequencies & CTCSS see here. Thursday nights 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm 70 cm Digital (DMR) Repeater Talk Group 3809 or the bridged Brandmeister TG 5059 For frequencies see here. All licensed amateur operators are welcome to join in the nets.


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Encouraging Amateur Radio Operators

All around the world, governments have allocated portions of the radio frequency spectrum for use by licensed amateur radio operators. These operators, sometimes known by their nickname of ‘Ham Radio’ operators, explore, experiment with, and enjoy the ability of radio waves of varying wavelengths, to permit communication across distances without wires. Port Stephens Amateur Radio Club exists for the purpose of encouraging amateur radio operators within its region to enjoy their hobby, and to advance through the various levels of licensing in order to develop a greater knowledge and ability. The monthly business meeting is usually followed by a talk on some aspect of amateur operations. A great deal of knowledge is also exchanged through the informal conversations over a ‘cuppa’ around the tables after every meeting.